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First Author Publications

  1. Bickart, K., Giza, C., Leuchter, A., & Hanlon, C. (2024). Personalized Neuromodulation for Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms: Preliminary Findings and Trial Protocol (P2-14.014). Neurology102(17_supplement_1). 
  2. Bickart, K., Sheridan, C., Frees, D., Kang, K., Fischer, J., Parks, C., & Kashou, A. (2023). A Systematic Review of Resting-State fMRI in Traumatic Brain Injury Across Injury Age, Severity, Mechanism, Chronicity, and Imaging Methods (P8-1.009). Neurology, 100(17_supplement_2). 
  3. Bickart, K. C., Olsen, A., Dennis, E. L., Babikian, T., Hoffman, A. N., Snyder, A., Sheridan, C. A., Fischer, J. T., Giza, C. C., Choe, M. C., & Asarnow, R. F. (2023). Frontoamygdala hyperconnectivity predicts affective dysregulation in adolescent moderate-severe TBI. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 3. 
  4. Bickart, K. C., Napolioni, V., Khan, R. R., Kim, Y., Altmann, A., Richiardi, J., Newsom, M., Sadaghiani, S., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L. W., Quinlan, E. B., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., Garavan, H., Gowland, P., Heinz, A., Ittermann, B., Martinot, J.-L., Paillère Martinot, M.-L., Artiges, E., Nees, F., Papadopoulos Orfanos, D., Paus, T., Poustka, L., Fröhner, J. H., Smolka, M. N., Walter, H., Whelan, R., Schumann, G., Ng, B., Greicius, M. D., & IMAGEN Consortium. (2020). Genetic variation in CSMD1 affects amygdala connectivity and prosocial behavior.  
  5. Bickart, K., Sheridan, C. A., Thibeault, C. M., Hamilton, R., LeVangie, J., Giza, C., & Choe, M. (2020). Heart rate variability interacts with recovery of resting-state connectivity in amygdala circuitry and the persistence of symptoms after sport-related concussion. Neurology, 95(20_Supplement_1), S15–S16. 
  6. Bickart, K., Olsen, A., Dennis, E., Babikian, T., Asarnow, R., & Giza, C. (2020). Amygdala hypoconnectivity and emotional blunting in pediatric moderate/severe TBI (2686). Neurology, 94(15 Supplement). Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology.
  7. Bickart, K., Napolioni, V., Khan, R., Richiardi, J., & Greicius, M. (2019). Intrinsic amygdala connectivity as an endophenotype for social behavior: A novel SNP affecting CSMD1 increases amygdala connectivity and prosocial behavior in a GWAS meta. Neurology, 92(15 Supplement). Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology.
  8. Bickart, K., Olsen, A., Dennis, E., Babikian, T., Asarnow, R., & Giza, C. (2018). Amygdala disconnection in pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) (P6.299). Neurology, 90(15 Supplement). Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology.
  9. Bickart, K., Main, K., Milazzo, A.-C., Newsom, M., Sours, C., Ashford, J. W., & Adamson, M. (2018). Large-Scale Frontotemporal Limbic Networks in TBI: Vulnerability and Response to Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (S49.008). Neurology, 90(15_supplement), S49.008. 
  10. Bickart, K. C., Dickerson, B. C., & Barrett, L. F. (2014). The amygdala as a hub in brain networks that support social lifeNeuropsychologia, 63, 235-248.
  11. Bickart, K. C., Brickhouse, M., Negreira, A., Sapolsky, D., Barrett, L. F., & Dickerson, B. C. (2014). Atrophy in distinct corticolimbic networks in frontotemporal dementia relates to social impairments measured using the Social Impairment Rating ScaleJournal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry85(4), 438–448. 
  12. Bickart KC, Hollenbeck MC, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC. Intrinsic amygdala-cortical functional connectivity predicts social network size in humans. J Neurosci. 2012 Oct 17;32(42):14729-41. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1599-12.2012. PMID: 23077058; PMCID: PMC3569519.
  13. Bickart, K. C. (2012). Amygdala volume and functional connectivity predict individual differences in human social networks and social cognition (Order No. 3529040). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1112074046).
  14. Bickart, K. C., Wright, C. I., Dautoff, R. J., Dickerson, B. C., & Barrett, L. F. (2011). Amygdala volume and social network size in humansNature neuroscience14(2), 163–164. 
  15. Bickart, K., Sauder, C., Kim, D., & Putnam, K. (2009). How falsely believing you are in control can shape brain responses to aversive stimuli using functional magnetic resonance imaging. The FASEB Journal., 23(S1). 

Other Publications

  1. Bhathela, N., Bickart, K., Harris, M., Rosenbaum, P., Choe, M., & Giza, C. (2024). Screen Intolerance, Vestibulo-oculomotor Screening, and Symptom Burden in Concussion (P2-14.016). Neurology102(17_supplement_1).
  2. Caeyenberghs, K., Imms, P., Irimia, A., Monti, M. M., Esopenko, C., de Souza, N. L., Dominguez D, J. F., Newsome, M. R., Dobryakova, E., Cwiek, A., Mullin, H. A. C., Kim, N. J., Mayer, A. R., Adamson, M. M., Bickart, K., Breedlove, K. M., Dennis, E. L., Disner, S. G., Haswell, C., Hodges, C. B., Hoskinson, K. R., Johnson, P. K., Königs, M., Li, L. M., Liebel, S. W., Livny, A., Morey, R. A., Muir, A. M., Olsen, A., Razi, A., Su, M., Tate, D. F., Velez, C., Wilde, E. A., Zielinski, B. A., Thompson, P. M., & Hillary, F. G. (2024). ENIGMA’s simple seven: Recommendations to enhance the reproducibility of resting-state fMRI in traumatic brain injury. NeuroImage: Clinical, 42, 103585. 
  3. Rafie, D., Rosenbaum, P., Bickart, K., Bhathela, N., Chung, J., Giza, C., & Choe, M. (2023). A Retrospective Analysis of Cannabidiol (CBD) Use in a Concussion Cohort (P7-1.007). Neurology, 100(17_supplement_2). 
  4. Sridharan, S., Sheridan, C., Hudson, D., Lipford, M., Bickart, K., Thibeault, C., Giza, C., Hamilton, R., Choe, M., & Whitlow, C. (2023). Amygdala Perfusion Is Associated with Persistent Affective Symptoms after Sports-Related Concussion (P8-1.003). Neurology, 100(17_supplement_2). 
  5. Sheridan, C., Bickart, K., Thibeault, C., Giza, C., Whitlow, C., Hamilton, R., & Choe, M. (2022). Resting-State Connectivity Between the Insula and Prefrontal Cortex Is Sensitive to Acute Injury and Symptom Persistence After Sport-Related Concussion (P11-8.005). Neurology, 98(18_supplement), 2806. 
  6. Fischer, J. T., Bickart, K. C., Giza, C., & Babikian, T. (2022). A Review of Family Environment and Neurobehavioral Outcomes Following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Implications of Early Adverse Experiences, Family Stress, and Limbic DevelopmentBiological psychiatry91(5), 488–497. 
  7. Koerte, I. K., Esopenko, C., Hinds, S. R., 2nd, Shenton, M. E., Bonke, E. M., Bazarian, J. J., Bickart, K. C., Bigler, E. D., Bouix, S., Buckley, T. A., Choe, M. C., Echlin, P. S., Gill, J., Giza, C. C., Hayes, J., Hodges, C. B., Irimia, A., Johnson, P. K., Kenney, K., Levin, H. S., … Baron, D. (2021). The ENIGMA sports injury working group:- an international collaboration to further our understanding of sport-related brain injuryBrain imaging and behavior15(2), 576–584. 
  8. Dennis, E. L., Caeyenberghs, K., Hoskinson, K. R., Merkley, T. L., Suskauer, S. J., Asarnow, R. F., Babikian, T., Bartnik-Olson, B., Bickart, K., Bigler, E. D., Ewing-Cobbs, L., Figaji, A., Giza, C. C., Goodrich-Hunsaker, N. J., Hodges, C. B., Hovenden, E. S., Irimia, A., Königs, M., Levin, H. S., … Wilde, E. A. (2021). White Matter Disruption in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurology, 97(3), e298–e309. 
  9. Koerte, I. K., Esopenko, C., Hinds, S. R., Shenton, M. E., Bonke, E. M., Bazarian, J. J., Bickart, K. C., Bigler, E. D., Bouix, S., Buckley, T. A., Choe, M. C., Echlin, P. S., Gill, J., Giza, C. C., Hayes, J., Hodges, C. B., Irimia, A., Johnson, P. K., Kenney, K., … Baron, D. (2021). The ENIGMA sports injury working group:– an international collaboration to further our understanding of sport-related brain injury. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15(2), 576–584. 
  10. Snyder, A., Sheridan, C., Tanner, A., Bickart, K., Sullan, M., Craske, M., Choe, M., Babikian, T., Giza, C., & Asarnow, R. (2021). Cardiorespiratory functioning in youth with persistent post-concussion symptoms: A pilot study. *Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10*(4), 561.
  11. Sharma, T. L., Kerrigan, J. M., McArthur, D. L., Bickart, K., Broglio, S. P., McAllister, T. W., McCrea, M., Giza, C. C., & CARE Consortium Investigators. (2020). Flying After Concussion and Symptom Recovery in College Athletes and Military Cadets. JAMA Network Open, 3(11), e2025082–e2025082. 
  12. Dennis, E. L., Caeyenberghs, K., Hoskinson, K. R., Merkley, T. L., Suskauer, S. J., Asarnow, R. F., Babikian, T., Bartnik-Olson, B., Bickart, K., Bigler, E. D., Ewing-Cobbs, L., Figaji, A., Giza, C. C., Goodrich-Hunsaker, N. J., Hodges, C. B., Hovenden, E. S., Irimia, A., Königs, M., Levin, H. S., Lindsey, H. M., Max, J. E., Newsome, M. R., Olsen, A., Ryan, N. P., Schmidt, A. T., Spruiell, M. S., Wade, B. S. C., Ware, A. L., Watson, C. G., Wheeler, A. L., Yeates, K. O., Zielinski, B. A., Kochunov, P., Jahanshad, N., Thompson, P. M., Tate, D. F., & Wilde, E. A. (2020). White matter disruption in pediatric traumatic brain injury: Results from ENIGMA pediatric msTBI. bioRxiv, 2020.08.06.237271. [PDF file]. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  13. Zuzuárregui, J.R.P., Bickart, K. & Kutscher, S.J. A review of sleep disturbances following traumatic brain injury. Sleep Science Practice 2, 2 (2018). 
  14. Satpute, A. B., Kang, J., Bickart, K. C., Yardley, H., Wager, T. D., & Barrett, L. F. (2015). Involvement of sensory regions in affective experience: A meta-analysisFrontiers in Psychology, 6. 
  15. Touroutoglou, A., Bickart, K. C., Barrett, L. F., & Dickerson, B. C. (2014). Amygdala task-evoked activity and task-free connectivity independently contribute to feelings of arousalHuman brain mapping35(10), 5316–5327.
  16. Kim, Y. H., Kim, D. S., Hong, J. H., Park, C. H., Hua, N., Bickart, K. C., Byun, W. M., & Jang, S. H. (2008). Corticospinal tract location in internal capsule of human brain: diffusion tensor tractography and functional MRI studyNeuroreport19(8), 817–820. 
  17. Gavi, N. A., Pearson, R., Bickart, K., Choe, M., Babikian, T., & Giza, C. (2020). Eating disorder risk among patients presenting to a specialty concussion clinic. Neurology, 95(20 Supplement 1), S9-S10. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology.
  18. Adamson, M., Main, K., Milazzo, A. C., Bickart, K., Furst, A., Ashford, J., & Harris, O. (2017, November). Detection and Treatment of Chronic Sequalae of Brain Injury in Veterans. In Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. E95-E95).
  19.   Adamson, M., Milazzo, A.-C., Main, K., Bickart, K., Greicius, M., Kolakowsky-Hayner, S., & Ashford, J. W. (2017). Functional Network Dysfunction in Chronic Symptom Traumatic Brain Injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation., 98(10). 
  20. Adamson, M., Main, K., Bickart, K., Milazzo, A. C., Soman, S., Kolakowsky-Hayner, S., ... & Ashford, J. (2017, January). Disrupted functional connectivity in emotional and executive networks in chronic symptom traumatic brain injury. In BRAIN INJURY (Vol. 31, No. 6-7, pp. 933-934). 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA: TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC.
  21. Murray, C., Kase, C., Nguyen, T., & Bickart, K. (2015). Crossed Subcortical Aphasia (P1.048). Neurology, 84(14_supplement).